A clinician par excellence, Dr B. K. Mutha has a vast experience in field of respiratory medicine and is practicing at Nashik since 1981. He is a leading Chest physician and is instrumental in establishing and flourishing this branch. He is a exhaustive reader, a excellent clinician and a great teacher.
He has done his medical schooling from B.J Medical College, Pune, and completed his doctorate in medicine i.e MD in 1981. He has been conferred with the Fellowship of American College Of Physicians (FCCP). He started his practice in Nashik since 1981 and has developed this institute to this stature. He was instrumental in initiating many facilities in Nashik like Pulmonary function testing, Bronchoscopy, Sleep Study and Non-Invasive Ventilators.
He also has keen interest in clinical research and has been involved in various trials on Asthma and COPD.
He has been a board member of various medical associations. He is also a Professor and Head of department of Pulmonary Medicine at MVP Medical College, Nashik and a Post Graduate guide and examiner.