A clinician par excellence, Dr B. K. Mutha has a vast experience in field of respiratory medicine and is practicing at Nashik since 1981. He is a leading Chest physician and is instrumental in establishing and flourishing this branch. He is a exhaustive reader, a excellent clinician and a great teacher.
He has done his medical schooling from B.J Medical College, Pune, and completed his doctora...
About Doctor
Dr. Abhinandan B. Mutha
Dr. Abhinandan B. Mutha, son of Dr. B. K. Mutha also a pulmonologist has started working as full time consultant at Mutha Hospital since May 2015.
He has done is medical schoolong from Terna Medical College , Navi Mumbai and Internship from Navi Mumbai Municipal Hospital in 2009. later he did his Diploma in Tuberculosis from Yashvantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pimpri, Pune. Further he did his ...